City Sanitary Service Residential Garbage Collection

City Sanitary Service offers a variety of trash cart sizes for every other week service, which includes weekly pickup of recycling, glass, and compost. Trusted by our communities for efficient garbage pickup, contact us today for residential trash services.

Our Residential Garbage Pickup

Garbage Pickup Service Benefits

Efficient garbage pickup is vital for local community health and the environment, reducing the risk of disease and pest infestation. Keep your neighborhood clean and safe with our punctual residential garbage collection. Our dedicated local team, expertly handles your trash, ensuring responsible and hassle-free disposal.

Residential Pickup Service

Request Residential Pickup

Search & select a service

Select a nearby service that suits your needs

Dispose of your trash

Ensure that your trash is properly prepared and ready for collection

Waste removal

Our team collects your waste based on the service option you've chosen.

Residential Waste Collection

Types of Residential Trash Pickup

City Sanitary Service has curbside trash pickup service with both automated and manual collection. Residential trash pickup service is excellent for:

  • Municipalities

  • Single-family homes

  • Individual subscription service

  • Homeowners associations

Garbage Collection

Local Residential Garbage Collection From City Sanitary Service

Respect and care define our approach to your community. At City Sanitary we are dedicated to serving with integrity and as responsible neighbors. Reach out to begin your garbage service or simply fill out our Residential Garbage Collection Request Quote form to get started. We're here to assist!

Take the Lead in Safely Disposing of Batteries

Handle batteries with care to prevent fires. Never toss them in curbside bins; it's a matter of safety.

For Your Home

More Residential Services

City Sanitary Service offers convenient pickup times and reliable service.